Pieter Heesters, a 6th grader from Baltimore City, has won the 2016 Maryland Sweet 16 with a 3.5/4 score with a quick passed-pawn win over Richard Tan in Round 4 at University of Maryland - Baltimore County. This match was the second completed in Round 4 putting pressure on Andrew Mao (3rd round co-leader) to defeat top-rated Sahil Sinha to force a playoff. Sinha was able to win to clinch sole second place. With the win, Heesters has also won a 4-year tournament scholarship to UMBC. Congratulations to Heesters and to all those who worked hard to qualify for this closed scholastic tournament!
Final Standings in tiebreak order
1. Pieter Heesters (3.5)
2. Sahil Sinha (3.0)
3-8. Richard Tan, Arthur Tang, Andrew Mao, Jeffrey Du, Justin Hontz, Ronald Best Jr (2.5)
9-10. Bijan Tahmassebi, Nathan Janus (2.0)
11-13. Dexter Amata, Douglas Malcolm, Vinay Veluvolu (1.5)
14-15. Shiyam Rupeshkumar, Ali Merchant (1.0)
16. Jordan Best (0.0)