by John D. Rockefeller V
Even if the player did not compete in a Maryland-Sweet-16 Qualifier during the 2016-2017 qualifying season, a K-12 player who is rated 1600+ and is a MD resident (or a student at a school in MD), may qualify by rating for the MS16, if the player contacts MCA at by 2017.02.16.
Click below for why MCA has decided to grant this rare exception.
The end of the MS16 qualifying season has been anomalous: the final 2 previously scheduled MS16Qs have been cancelled for unorthodox reasons—that is, reasons not directly related to dangerous weather on the days of those MS16Qs. First, MCA Poly & Western February (originally scheduled for 2017.02.25) was cancelled in November when MCA decided to replace it with the resuscitated Mid-Atlantic Team Scholastic Championships. Second, MCA Poly & Western January (originally scheduled for 2017.01.07) was cancelled in December when MCA decided to replace it with Greater Baltimore Scholastic Championships 2016, which had been cancelled because of dangerous weather on its originally scheduled date (2016.12.17).