Richard Tan, a 9th grader from Montgomery County, has won the 2017 Maryland Sweet 16 with a 3.5/4 score with a quick upset win over 2nd place Sahil Singha in Round 3 and a quick draw over 3rd place Yu Hao (Alan) Liao in Round 4 at the University of Maryland - Baltimore County. With the win, Tan, who finished in 3rd place last year, has also won a 4-year tournament scholarship to UMBC. Congratulations to Tan and to all those who worked hard to qualify for this closed scholastic tournament!

Final Standings in tiebreak order

1. Richard Tan (3.5)

2-3. Sahil Sinha, Yu Hao (Alan) Liao (3.0)

4-7. Jeffrey Du, Andrew Mao, Meghana Bhanuprasad, Bijan Tahmassebi (2.5)

8-11. Douglas Malcolm, Philip Kreisler, Zahir Muhammad, Dexter Amata (2.0)

12. Bradley Guo (1.5)

13-15. Vinay Veluvolu, Shane Jayasundera, Joseph Tarantin (1.0)

16. Zhi Kevin Zheng (0.0)