Tournament Announcements
1. HTML for MCA Chestertown September Scholastic 2012
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<p><strong><span style="color: #339966;">K-12 players throughout the U.S.A. are welcome.</span></strong></p>
<p><strong><span style="color: #0000ff;">29 Individual Trophies & 11 Team Trophies</span></strong></p>
<p><span style="color: #8B35A2;">Players in the Varsity section can earn MD-Sweet-16 Varsity Points to qualify for the Maryland Sweet 16, an annual invitational tournament in February at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. The winner of the MD Sweet 16 will receive a <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>4-year scholarship to UMBC valued at $35,000</span></strong>. The top 16 Varsity players who compete in at least 1 of MCA’s 8 MD-Sweet-16 Varsity tournaments from September - February will qualify for the MD Sweet 16.</span></p>
<p>Kent County Middle School<br />402 East Campus Avenue <br />Chestertown, MD 21620</p>
<p>{mosmap width='500'|height='400'|address='402 East Campus Avenue, Chestertown MD 21620'|zoom='9'|zoomType='Large'|zoomNew='0'|mapType='Map'| showMaptype='1'|overview='0'|lang=''}</p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>SECTIONS</strong> (Round 1 for all sections at 9:30 AM. Subsequent rounds as soon as possible.)</span><br /><span style="color: #8B35A2;">The sections below are listed in </span><strong><span style="color: #0000ff;">descending order of rating strength</span></strong><span style="color: #8B35A2;">. The vast majority of players register for the lowest section for which they qualify, so as to increase their odds of winning a trophy.</span></p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Varsity</strong></span></span><br />grades <strong>K-12</strong>, rated <span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>1100+</strong></span><br />trophies to the top 4 individuals, the top under-1400 individual, & the top 2 teams<br />3-SS, G/45 inc/30 (3-round Swiss System, 45-minute Game per player & 30-second increment per move)</p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Junior Varsity</strong></span></span><br />grades <strong>K-12</strong>, rated <strong><span style="color: #0000ff;">700-1199</strong></span> or strong unrated high-school players (grades 9-12)<br />trophies to the top 4 individuals, the top under-1000 individual, & the top 2 teams<br />4-SS, G/60 d/5 (4-round Swiss System, 60-minute Game per player & 5-second delay per move)</p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>High-School & Middle-School Intermediate</span></span></strong><br />grades <strong>6-12</strong>, rated <strong><span style="color: #0000ff;">under 800</strong></span> or unrated <br />trophies to the top 4 individuals, the top under-600 individual, & the top 2 teams<br>5-SS, G/45 d/5 (5-round Swiss System, 45-minute Game per player & 5-second delay per move)</p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Elementary-School Intermediate</span></span></strong><br />grades <strong>K-5</strong>, rated <strong><span style="color: #0000ff;">under 800</strong></span> or unrated <br />trophies to the top 4 individuals, the top under-600 individual, & the top 2 teams<br />5-SS, G/45 d/5 (5-round Swiss System, 45-minute Game per player & 5-second delay per move)</p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Elementary-School Novice</strong></span></span><br />grades <strong>K-5</strong>, rated <strong><span style="color: #0000ff;">under 400</strong></span> or unrated<br />trophies to the top 4 individuals, the top under-200 individual, & the top 3 teams<br />5-SS, G/30 d/5 (5-round Swiss System, 30-minute Game per player & 5-second delay per move)</p>
<p><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;">CLICK HERE for Which USCF Rating Determines the Section(s) in which a Player May or Must Play?</span></a></p>
<p><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;">CLICK HERE for MCA’s Scholastic Team Policy.</span></a></p>
<p><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;">CLICK HERE for MCA’s Scholastic Bye Policy.</span></a></p>
<p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Tournament Registration Fee</span></strong><br /><strong><span style="color: #0000ff;">$15 </span></strong> (Regular), if by Tuesday, 9/11 (online or received mail)<br /><strong><span style="color: #0000ff;">$20 </span></strong> (Last-Minute), if by 7 PM, Thursday, 9/13 (online)<br /><strong><span style="color: #0000ff;">$30 </span></strong> (At-the-Door), 8:30 - 9:00 AM, Saturday, 9/15 (<strong>only if space is available; <span style="color: #339966;">half-point bye likely in Round 1</span></strong>)</p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>USCF Membership</strong></span><br />Players are required to have a current USCF membership at USCF-rated tournaments, and all MCA tournaments are USCF-rated. Players without a current USCF membership are ineligible to play and will not be paired. <strong>Players without a current USCF membership at the scheduled close of online registration on Thursday night are unlikely to be paired in Round 1</strong>. If not paired, players will receive a <strong><span style="color: #339966;"> half-point bye in Round 1</span></strong> and 0-point byes in subsequent rounds, until their purchase of a current USCF membership has been processed. Processing a membership on the day of a tournament can take several hours; therefore, <strong>players who wait until the day of a tournament to purchase a current USCF membership are unlikely to win a trophy</strong>. A USCF membership can be purchased online or by mail, along with registration for the tournament. If the player's USCF membership is current, bring a current USCF card or proof of membership to the tournament.<br /><span style="color: #ff0000;">Scholastic</span> (12 and under): <span style="color: #0000ff;">$17 </span>or<span style="color: #0000ff;"> $24 </span><br /><span style="color: #ff0000;">Youth</span> (15 and under): <span style="color: #0000ff;">$22</span> or <span style="color: #0000ff;">$28</span> <br /><span style="color: #ff0000;">Young Adult</span> (24 and under): <span style="color: #0000ff;">$26 </span>or <span style="color: #0000ff;">$33</span></p>
<p><a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">CLICK HERE for the LIST OF PLAYERS (Attendees) CURRENTLY REGISTERED for this tournament</span></a></p>
<p><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;">CLICK HERE for the LIST OF PLAYERS: INDIVIDUALS (alphabetically)—updated on?/?</span></a></p>
<p><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"> CLICK HERE for the LIST OF PLAYERS: INDIVIDUALS (by section)—updatedon?/?</span></a></p>
<p><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"> CLICK HERE for the LIST OF PLAYERS: TEAMS (by section)—updatedon?/?</span></a></p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Registration by Mail</span><br />Include: player's name, USCF ID #, USCF expiration date, section, grade, school, phone #, email address, & check (made payable to Maryland Chess Association).<br />Mail to: Maryland Chess Association, c/o Mike Regan, 1827 Thornton Ridge Road, Towson MD 21204-1841.</p>
<p><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;">CLICK HERE for Fees for Registration Changes at MCA Scholastic Tournaments.</span></a></p>
<p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">What Do Players Need to Bring?</span></strong><br />* <strong>Players are NOT required to bring a clock; however, we encourage you to bring a clock, if you own one.</strong> A game may be started without a clock, if one is not available. But if a clock is available, then players are required to use it. Furthermore, if a Tournament Director places a clock on a game, then the players must use the clock. Clocks should be available for purchase at the tournament.<br />* <strong>Sets, boards, & scoresheets will be provided.</strong><br />* <strong> Please bring a sharp pencil with a good eraser</strong> to record (notate) your game on a scoresheet (which will be provided). <strong>Except for K-3 players</strong> (who might not yet be proficient at writing) and any other player who is unable to write, <strong>players are required to record their games</strong>. Players are encouraged to record their games for 3 reasons: 1) it helps resolve disputes, 2) it discourages cheating, and 3) it enables post-game analysis.<br />* <strong>Food will be available for purchase at the tournament.</strong></p>
<p><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;">CLICK HERE for an explanation of Increment Time Control for the Varsity Section.</span></a></p>
<p><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;">CLICK HERE for Procedures, Rules, and Etiquette for Players and Spectators at an MCA Scholastic Tournament.</span></a></p>
<p>The following may be changed for any section, according to the number of players: the number of rounds, whether pairings will be natural or accelerated during Rounds 1-2, the time control, and the number of trophies.</p>
<p>For further information, contact the Maryland Chess Association at <a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"></span></a>—or, as a last resort, at 240-426-5477 (M).</p>
<p><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;">CLICK HERE for How to Find a Player’s New USCF Rating after an MCA Scholastic Tournament.</span></a></p>